Today is the Birthday of a Man and a Person whom I love, respect, value immensely, and continue to look up to:


Not only because thanks to Him I came into this world…
I am proud of Him!
I continue to “learn” from Him even now, every day!! =
From his intelligence and wisdom in thoughts, analyses, decisions, actions, “reactions,” deeds… and simply from his measured words, deep and thoughtful conversations, no matter what we discuss… (we talk several times a week!)
In many ways, I will never surpass my DAD in life!
Here are a few of his achievements and “peaks” that are already unattainable for me:
• Thousands of Students!
• Dozens of prepared Candidates and Doctors of Economic Sciences!
• Hundreds of scientific works/books/textbooks…! (one of the most famous is in the photo)
• A lifetime work experience, mostly as a Scientist, Lecturer, Professor, Head of various universities, and above all, Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko = over 60 years in total!

• With one beloved Wife (my MOM!

) together in a happy marriage for more than 60 years…!

And today they are together, supporting each other!

All this is about One Person = about =

Doctor of Economic Sciences! Professor!
Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine!

85 years = a respectable age, but clearly insufficient for You!
You have a beloved wife, two sons, five grandchildren, and the youngest grandson is only 4.5 years old!… (I believe that great-grandchildren are “not far off”…!)
This is just the “closest family”!
And if we add other relatives, friends, close ones, students, acquaintances…
who continue to “lean” on Your wise knowledge, experience, advice, and simply communication…!
So, “only” 85 years!
Live long for the joy of all the above! DAD!

Live in peace and harmony!

PS. The photo posted is a few years old, where I hold
Dad’s textbook, which has gone through several editions (“Management for Managers,” main author

And on which tens of thousands of students, applicants, scientists, civil servants, entrepreneurs continue to study…!